Tuesday, March 31, 2009

all your base are belong to us. you have no chance to survive make your time. http://ping.fm/iUqqc
wants to clarify something, "Just because I said I was queer the other day, does not mean I am gay. I am not gay."

Monday, March 30, 2009

wants everyone to establish their Beeing at my friend's new social networking site. http://www.beeing.com

Sunday, March 29, 2009

is in the groove, listening to GrooveSalad on SomaFM. (Thanks Odin)
Professional PHP/MySQL/AJAX/CSS Developer seeking work. Please hire me I need money, and I am willing to learn. +1.503.213.3602 travis.rowland@exqsoft.com
can you digg it? http://ping.fm/MTDEG
is trying to clean up his language a bit. (Please do not comment this status, it will revert me back to my bad ways, thanks.)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

just can't focus!
is going to bed.
is proud to be a Libertarian!
ping pong